All about Jess Rustum
I'm Jess.
I consider myself to be an expressive artist, primarily focused on abstracts but occasionally, I like to test my painting skills a little more and paint "things" with my own style.
My art is about feeling - whether its joy, nostalgia, memories, sadness, anger. Mostly everything has a story or a reason.
When did I start painting?
I started painting in 2013 and have been painting on and off, ever since. I had to take some breaks in between while I had my children, but now that they are a little older, I have tried to commit more to my favourite thing.
I am self taught - although I did take a year long university studio art course almost a decade ago.
Why did I start painting?
I've always been a creator - since I was a young kid, I just loved art, I loved creating. As I got older, I needed a creative outlet for all of my feelings. I just have a lot of feelings, a lot of frustration, and like all of us, I go through ups and downs. Painting is the only thing that really felt healing and moved me forward through some hard times. Painting is something that helps me reflect on life.
I love colour. I love mixing new colours. I love experimenting with different colours, brushes, and styles in general. Most artists find a style and stick to it for a while... maybe its the ADHD or maybe just nothing has stuck - but I am always wanting to try something new or do something different, so you might not see a full "collection" at this point.
I'm glad you are here, though :) Thanks for your support!
- Jess